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IT, Software and Technology Sales Training

Continuous innovation is the driving force behind any technology company's ongoing success, and the fast pace of progress can leave the salesperson behind the times and lacking the ability to present the latest advances effectively.

At Turnkey Solutions Ltd, we believe that effective product positioning propels sales for technology and software.

The challenge of handling the accelerated pace of technology does not only apply to those selling it. Business leaders struggle to take advantage of the full usefulness of new technology, with many frustrated with the challenges of driving business outcomes with it.

So, how can sellers handle this issue?

Turnkey Solutions Ltd training helps by creating a strategy around correctly positioning the solution

The workings that go into any new technology tend to be complicated, and a common failing is for sellers and their customers to become bogged down by these intricacies. Overusing industry jargon and focusing on unnecessary details of the inner workings can leave buyers feeling isolated and the seller at risk of losing the deal.

Those in the business of selling technology and software can sidestep this pitfall by concentrating on the relevant applications of the product and how those features will address the customer’s specific needs.

IT Sales Training Leads to Quantifiable Outcomes

At Turnkey Solutions Ltd, we’ve trained many of the leading IT and technology companies in the hardware, software, internet, and services industries to employ positioning skills. Those we have trained have learned how to write more business by positioning their products and services with salient talking points. By using these methods, sellers can clearly show a solution to the customer’s most urgent needs. The customer is more likely to understand and appreciate the advantages of using your solution when information is delivered this way.

Achieving this increased measure of success begins with Turnkey Solutions Ltd training, which delivers all the necessary tools for selling technology and software solutions in today’s competitive market. Our trainees find out how to influence perception through word selection and visual cues. With these newly honed skills, sellers are well prepared to create interest with both the rational and emotional mind and form a much better rapport with the customer.

With each IT, Software and Technology Sales Training, we begin by outlining key selling behaviours with a custom-built approach to your particular needs. We then coach your salespeople on how to develop more in-depth conversations with customers and increase the consultative approach. Next, we show sellers how to preserve these new skills before finally measuring direct results to illustrate how business results have improved.

Tech changes at a fast pace — make sure your sellers keep up.

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