We first make our habits and then our habits make us. - John Dryden
Team Selling Training
Team Selling Training
Selling as part of a team is not only a requirement for massive B2B sales presentations or multi-million dollar business mergers. Whether you are in engineering, international banking, I.T. or are a financial planner, real estate agent or insurance agent, critical meetings with buyers and prospective clients now regularly entail the inclusion of more people.
Massive progress in technology has afforded customers the ability to look on the internet and research their options instantly and without the need for a salesperson to assist them. Additionally, factors such as economic volatility, geopolitical worries, business scandals, and public relations gaffes have increased distrust and intensified the attention given to investment risk versus return. Buyers and customers now come to meetings and engage in telephone conference calls, expecting all the participants to have a say in the conversation and also wanting to see behind the scenes at your company’s team who will handle the work after the purchase is made.
Team Selling Training
The course explores the vital elements of creating and driving high-performing sales teams. The Team Selling Training teaches sellers how to take full advantage of their business’s entire resources to bring together the perfect team for a pitch and have those participants come together as a unified group to execute convincing presentations that add value for customers and earn revenue for your business.
Business Reasons for Team Selling Training
Training your salespeople to improve team selling skills enhances revenue for your business. After completing the training, your team will:
- Increase responsiveness and win rates against your competitors at high-value meetings
- Maximise the scale of deals by leveraging inter-departmental resources
- Improve the effectiveness of sales meetings at all stages to drive the hunt for qualified deals
- Enhance the customer experience by being more in line with numerous participants in a sales team
Team Selling Training Learning Goals
Your salespeople’s results improve as they develop new skills. Turnkey Solutions Ltd’s Team Selling Training was created to:
- Increase awareness and ability to assemble and prepare the perfect group for the specific opportunity
- Utilise a process for creating and leading highly skilled, unified sales teams that are well-placed to succeed at high-value meetings
- Apply a set of tools to advance outstanding teamwork, profitable customer meetings, and winning results
- Investigate techniques within a prevailing culture to expand collaborative work throughout the entire company
- Apply team selling ideas and tools to existing challenges faced by participants’ current sales teams