Demand more of yourself than anybody else expects of you. Never Excuse yourself to yourself. - Henry Ward Beecher
Storytelling Training
The Ability to Tell a Good Story
A well-trained and talented seller can use the art of storytelling to further the conversation with the buyer, leading to motivating a decision by the customer to take action.
The art of telling a good story will assist in creating an impetus that guides sellers towards isolating and closing sales. Employing both a methodology and the proficiencies required to tell a compelling story will facilitate sellers to:
- Use dialogue to move a stalled presentation on
- Emotionally engage with buyers
- Focus the buyer on a critical matter
- Motivate a buyer to reach a decision
When telling a story, sellers must determine what stage they are at in the sales process and what stage the customer is at in the buying process. This will aid in establishing a more specific objective, which is crucial when shaping your story.
Turnkey Solutions Ltd’s Storytelling
Turnkey Solutions Ltd’s Storytelling course will enable your salespeople to have the talent and confidence to use storytelling as part of the sales process, resulting in more sales.
On the course, we provide sellers with a storytelling structure that helps them to develop the beginning, turning point, and conclusion of the story. In addition to the structure, we concentrate on how to craft a compelling story and how to deliver a compelling story.
We teach sellers how to choose the correct words, integrate information, adopt visuals, and consider what body movements, voice tones, and physical expressions are best to use and which are not.
Turnkey Solutions Ltd’s Storytelling covers the behavioural learning as the foundation of why storytelling works and builds emotional engagement that helps to instigate action. After completing this course, your salespeople will be able to:
- Apply the skills to communicate a customer-focused story in a compelling and vibrant manner
- Recognise when it is useful to introduce stories when selling to enrich the dialogue and promote decision-making
- Leave with practical new ways of thinking and instigating decision-making
- Explain the essentials of a compelling story and use those essentials to frame a story that is germane, unforgettable, and emotionally engaging
- stories that can be used at several stages in the sales process to boost credibility, introduce and discuss issues with buyers, make a positive distinction between your company and competitors, and show added value