To better yourself, first make yourself better.
Teaching the Teachers Training
Creating a Learning Culture That Improves Results
Developing a culture of change across an entire organisation can only be initiated from the top. It is well understood in the adult learning field that training sales managers results in managers who are much more likely to pass their knowledge on and become trainers of their salesforce. The key is having a central process in place for all to get behind and take advantage of throughout the whole business in order to dramatically improve the positive outcomes of good learning practices.
Teaching the Teachers Training
Turnkey Solutions Ltd’s Teaching the Teachers is designed to be a corporate training exercise, providing a method for senior managers to use to plan for and employ active engagement with other managers to improve their sales and relationship goals. The course provides senior managers with the self-assurance and abilities to address the challenges they may experience when “teaching the teachers”. These include pushback from managers who think they already know everything and don’t need coaching or hesitance from managers who are concerned that they will be perceived as acknowledging that they are underperforming in their jobs if they accept coaching.
Using a well-defined developmental coaching structure, senior managers learn to give regular feedback that is tied to the achievement of business goals. Through highly tailored situations, senior managers practice the crucial skills of learning to use strategic methods and analytical techniques to help sales managers discover barriers and form their own answers rather than merely instructing them on what to do. One effect of this strategy is that the senior managers become role models to the salesforce and bolster the respect and loyalty of their sellers. It also promotes a culture where instead of blaming and accusations, teams learn to discuss issues, value collaboration, and work together on ways to improve as part of their daily routine.
Business Benefits of the Teaching the Teachers Training
- Develop a companywide culture of collaborative learning that enhances business outcomes
- Transform senior managers into valuable resources for the managers who work under them and give more support, feedback, coaching, and encouragement
- Have senior managers who continue to develop in their positions and make meaningful contributions to nurturing the business and improving client relationships
Learning Goals of the Teaching the Teachers Training
- Provide senior managers with a developmental coaching process and skillset to utilise in helping their sales managers boost business outcomes and develop a culture of ongoing learning
- Increase the efficiency of senior managers, heighten teaching abilities, support the business strategy, and help sales managers and their teams achieve their targets and form long-term customer relationships
- Heighten senior managers’ understanding of their current teaching methods, give feedback, and support them in reaching the next stage of leadership effectiveness